The Direct To Interpreter

Fast. Flexible. Intuitive. Human.

We've re-imagined interpreting. The result: A powerful and seamless way to communicate.

direct to interpreter



The languages you need. Including ASL and a wide range of rare and indigenous languages.



Clients aren’t limited by standard office hours. Interpreters are available around the clock.



When every second counts, we have your back. Our average Time To Interpreter (TTI) is fast.

Make The Most Out
Of Every Interaction

Make The Most Out Of Every Interaction

woman's hand holding phone with jeenie call screen active

Direct To Interpreter
(DTI) Fast

Go faster. Jeenie matches you directly to a qualified linguist. No operators or special codes required. Spend less time waiting and more time doing.

Take Advantage
Of Video

Video drives better care outcomes than audio-only calls. That’s why we offer more languages in video AND video is always the same per-minute rate as audio.

Built For Modern

Built For Modern Interpreting

Designed To
Scale Seamlessly

Whether you’re a sole practitioner, small team, or a national organization – Jeenie’s platform meets you where you are. From the basics you’d expect to advanced features, we’ve got you covered.

Patients & People

Patients can also download Jeenie at any point in their healthcare journey. The ability to access interpreters gives them true agency in their care.

From clarifying their dietary needs to emergency moments, patients always have a voice.

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See What All
The Talk Is About

See What All The Talk Is About


About Our

& Plans

Your company can be using Jeenie in no time.

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