Organizational Control & Administration

Tools to Manage Your Team & Organizational Structure With Ease

Happy administrator smiling with tiered organization graphic

Key Features

Org hierarchy-simple graphic

Multi-Level Account Management

What It Does: Lets you set up a main organization (parent) with multiple branches or locations (child organizations).
The Benefit: You can easily assign different roles and permissions while keeping all your call data in one place for billing and reporting.
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User Groups

What It Does: Enables you to create and manage groups within your organization to organize users by roles or departments.
The Benefit: Makes managing user permissions and tracking usage across different teams or departments much simpler.
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Multi-Level Account Management

Create an Account Structure That Aligns With Your Business

Designed to help larger, more complex organizations track (and segment) their users.

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Reflect the Levels of Your Org

Not all organizations can be effectively represented as a flat entity. For those accounts, we offer a more customizable hierarchy. 
School building icon

Parent Account

This is the overarching account. A parent account has executive administrative privileges over child accounts. There can only be one.  Typically it is: 
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The largest location
Home icon

Child Accounts

These are nestled under a single Parent Account. Accounts can have up to 9 child orgs (more available upon request). Typically they are:
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Other locations
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Other departments

What Can Parent Orgs Do?

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Create, edit, and delete child accounts
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See all child orgs in the History screen & export
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Add users to a child org (individually or in bulk)
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Add Custom Reporting Fields for the entire organization (if enabled)
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Add User Groups for the entire organization (if enabled)
Organization account levels-org hierarchy screenshot
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User Groups

Organize Users Any Way You Want

It's easy to manage user reporting - simply tag them into groups and filter away. 

Flexibility graphic

Total Flexibility

Group users in any way that makes sense for your organization. You make the rules. 

Identify trends in interpreting graphic

Identify Trends

Filter by group to quickly track and review trends in usage from multiple vantage points.

work smarter better interpreting reporting

Smart Features

Work smarter, not harder. Take advantage of a stronger feature set on Premium & Enterprise Plans.

Smiling business woman at laptop user groups for better language reporting

Filter users by:

Gather interpreting usage insights across your account.

A Small But Mighty Feature

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Organize people into teams, departments, & regions
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Align with billing & reporting needs
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Assign Custom Data Tracking (if enabled) to groups
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Sort & filter users however you need
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users and groups screen - manage users

Welcome to the Future of Language Support

Multi-Level Account Management is available on Premium & Enterprise Plans.