All the translations you need, managed easily in one convenient spot.

Accurate. Streamlined. Global.

Experience a more seamless way to translate your words to the world. See project quotes, status visibility, and updates all in one place. It’s translations you can trust… plus 360 degree project visibility.

More than translations...
it's a smarter way to work.

We have a better way to manage your company’s global translation needs. Whether you need a quick quote for a handout or a comprehensive proposal for website translation projects, Jeenie can help. Our portal allows clients to easily:

  • Submit work
  • See quotes
  • Check project status reports
  • Review and approve projects
  • Securely access (and store) previous translation work
  • Communicate with your Globalization Team

We know language...
get globalization experts.

With Jeenie, every project is assigned a Globalization Team (GT) that includes an array of skilled experts in human translation, editing, project management, publishing, and localization.

GT’s are assigned based on a project’s:

  • Language pairs needed (like English to Japanese)
  • Subject matter expertise required (medical, legal, etc.)
  • Type of project (document, website, multimedia, software)

Your Globalization Team is ready to guide you through the translation process.

See what's inside...

Human Translation Teams

Every team has qualified human translators and copywriters. They will also access CAT tools (including Translation Memory) to ensure accuracy, cut turnaround time, and save money.

Neural Machine Translation

NMT can allow companies to complete translation projects in a fraction of the time. Using the most up-to-date breakthroughs in Al, we deliver stellar results for rapid translations at any scale.

Translation Memory Tools

Memory tools allow secure translation project storage and access. By referencing previous translation memory assets, we ensure consistency and cost saving across all projects.

Quality Enablement Workflows

Review and approve translations (at the translation stage and desktop publishing stage) through convenient workflows designed to manage and declutter the approval process.


24/7 Secure Access

24/7 secure password- protected access for whomever you authorize to access all of your quotes and projects.

Better Communication

Your Global Team proactively collaborates with you during the entire localization process. Plus, it’s easy to track key comms within the portal.


Rapid Quotes

Receive rapid documentation estimates via the Quick Quote feature. Get exact estimates for projects via the submission of source files.


Complete Visibility

Know where things stand with translation status reports, usage reports, and alerts to check on your projects, users and schedules.


Your company can be using Jeenie in no time.

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