Data & Insights

Capture the right call data to make smarter business decisions

Smiling administratorat desk dashboard graphic overlay

Key Features

Custom Data Tracking graphic

Custom Data Tracking

What It Does: Lets you add specific labels (like a cost center, department, or program) to each call.
The Benefit: You get detailed reports that help you understand call trends to track costs and performance easily.
User Groups-simple graphic (1)

User Groups

What It Does: Enables you to create and manage groups within your organization to organize users by roles or departments.
The Benefit: Makes managing user permissions and tracking usage across different teams or departments much simpler.
Custom Data Tracking graphic

Custom Data Tracking

Always Capture the Data You Need

Easily track the critical data you care about on every single Jeenie call.

Graphic of man interacting with user info graph

Track Anything

Track billing center ID's, grant codes, badge ID's, department locations, and more. 

Graphic of woman pointing to data on screen

Better Insights

Meet government regulations and get better organizational insights on interpreting usage.

a pie chart, bar graph, and a guy. using a laptop

Smart Features

Work smarter, not harder. Take advantage of a stronger feature set on Premium & Enterprise Plans.

image of a medical worker holding a mobile phone

Report on What Matters

Use Custom Reporting Fields to build dashboards within your favorite reporting tools.

Every organization is different. 
That's why it's important for clients to be able to define what data they harvest on each and every interpreting call.

How Does It Work?

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The Important Data

Identify the data you need to track or allocate for smoother reporting - like Billing ID's or grant codes. Then decide if it's optional or required on every call.
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Defaults & Collection

Assign default values (optional) across an organization or for individual users. Then, pick when users can enter data (before or after each call).
number 3 icon

Types of Fields

Choose the type field users will interact with: Fields can be free text, dropdown lists, or text that meets specific criteria (like XXX-123).
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Get Your Data

That's it. Now every call is also a chance to clearly allocate and track company-specific data as well as your interpreting usage trends.

User Groups-simple graphic (1)

User Groups

Organize Users Any Way You Want

It's easy to manage user reporting - simply tag users into groups and filter away. 

Organize Users Any Way You Want

It's easy to manage user reporting - simply tag them into groups and filter away. 

Smiling business woman at laptop user groups for better language reporting
Flexibility graphic

Total Flexibility

Group users in any way that makes sense for your organization. You make the rules. 

Identify trends in interpreting graphic

Identify Trends

Filter by group to quickly track and review trends in usage from multiple vantage points.

work smarter better interpreting reporting

Smart Features

Work smarter, not harder. Take advantage of a stronger feature set on Premium & Enterprise Plans.

Smiling business woman at laptop user groups for better language reporting

Filter users by:

Gather interpreting usage insights across your account.

A Small But Mighty Feature

Check mark icon
Organize people into teams, departments, & regions
Check mark icon
Align with billing & reporting needs
Check mark icon
Assign Custom Data Tracking (if enabled) to groups
Check mark icon
Sort & filter users however you need
L1 Admin - Groups no org hierarchy-sqr3

users and groups screen - manage users

Welcome to the Future of Language Support

Multi-Level Account Management is available on Premium & Enterprise Plans.